Marked Cards Lenses

marked cards lenses

Marked cards lenses, also known as infrared or UV marked playing cards glasses, are a kind of cheating tools that allow poker players to see invisible ink marks on the back of playing cards. It has become a popular cheating device in the poker market and is used for different kinds of games.

There are several types of marked cards lenses on the market, and each one is suited for different purposes. There are contact lens marked cards, barcode marked cards and luminous ink markings lenses.

Contact lens marked cards are the most commonly used type of marked cards in the poker market. They use infrared light to read the invisible ink on the back of a card and can be used with any brand of infrared poker decks or barcode marked poker cards.

You can find these contact lenses online and in local stores. They are available in a variety of sizes, styles and colors. They are very durable and can last a long time without harming your eyes.

They can be worn by anyone, even people with a wide range of eye colors. They have small purplish filters built into them, which transform your vision from normal color to a purplish color and make it easier for you to read luminous ink markings on the back of red or blue backed cards.

These contacts are made of the same material as regular contact lenses, and they can be worn for a longer period of time. They are also very comfortable to wear.

Barcode marked cards are similar to contact lens marked cards, but they also use infrared light to read the barcodes on the back of the card. They are a bit more expensive than contact lenses but they can be used for many more poker games.

The barcodes can be easily scanned by a poker analyzer or poker scanner camera. However, they are not suitable for poker games with different rules or in a live environment, as they cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Luminous ink marks are very different from barcode marked cards. These can be detected by special contact lenses and gimmick sunglasses. They can be read from a distance and can be detected from across a table, but they require training to use them effectively.

There are various ways to mark a deck of cards, including block-out and cut-out work, luminous ink markings and juice-marking. Each technique has its own set of disadvantages, but they are effective for different uses.

Some techniques also use a video camera to record images of the marked cards and display them to a partner or poker player. This can be useful if the player is suspicious of their cards and want to check if they are being tampered with.

It is important to note that the luminous ink markings are only visible to those who have trained their eyes to recognize them, so it is very important to wear a high-quality pair of luminous marked cards lenses. This will ensure you are able to see the markings clearly and safely.